Filipino Martial Arts (Kali / Eskrima) is an extremely effective weapons-based system that originated in the Philippines. The bulk of your private training curriculum in this battle-tested art, will be with weapons such as the stick, knife, staff and empty-handed (weapon vs. no weapon). This type of training heightens the student’s awareness of their surroundings and ability to be able to make use of their environment. This is called “situational awareness,” which allows the student to more easily detect what objects can be used as tools of combat in the street.

We also teach an empty hand system, Panantukan (Filipino Boxing), that is part of this dynamic and functional art. The training methods of the Filipino Martial Arts will increase your empty hand skills by supercharging such attributes as coordination, reflexes, perception, and awareness.
Everyday items such as car keys, an umbrella, the chair you’re sitting on, or even the jacket you’re wearing, become effective means of self-defense in the hands of an Anderson’s Martial Arts student. There is no substitute for the confidence that comes from knowing you can handle whatever may happen.