Muay Thai is known as the “science of eight limbs.” The striking components in Muay Thai consist of punching, elbows, knees, kicks and we add the ninth, the head (which can also be seen more often utilized in Lethwei, a kickboxing art derived in Burma [Myanmar]). The art also teaches some of the most effective clinching techniques. It is the national sport and martial art of Thailand, and an effective art for superior physical fitness and devastating self-defense. Known for its practicality, power, and speed, it specializes in powerful kicks and strikes with the knees, elbows and standing grappling.

Muay Thai is one of the world’s most effective striking based arts. We will teach you to use it effectively for self-defense and fitness. Muay Thai as a part of your private lesson program will increase your self-defense skills that will reach new heights, your body will adapt and change with new physical levels you never thought were possible, as will your conditioning.
Task O’Fit Martial Arts & Fitness’ Muay Thai lineage comes straight from the incredible and legendary sources of Sifu Dan Anderson, Guro Dan Inosanto and Ajarn Surachai “Chai” Sirisute, President and founder of the Thai Boxing Association of the USA are a great part of our Muay Thai lineage and curriculum for your private training. The program is also influenced by 9 x World Muay Thai & Kickboxing Champion Rob “The Dutchman” Kaman and Muay Thai Limpini 7x World Champion Saekson Janjira. These two world-renowned fighters help to bring a unique Dutch and Thai balance to the art.